Jean Monnet Module

European Interdisciplinary Studies

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About module

The Jean Monnet Module “Jean Monnet Module in European Interdisciplinary Studies (JEMMEIS)” aims at establishing an interdisciplinary module in European Interdisciplinary studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences of National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod.

The European Interdisciplinary studies is mainly focused on International Relations, Sociology and Law topics, but the designed courses are supposed to be useful for students of all Lobachevsky University majors and well as other universities.

Goal #1 Promotion of knowledge about the European Union and development of research activities

Goal #2 Improvement of teaching methods and quality of education on European integration and training of specialists in different fields

Goal #3 Integration of best European experience and practices to educational system

About module
Alexey Gromyko

Dr.Sci. in Politics

Academic leader

Head of the Department of history and theory of international relations (Lobachevsky University), Chairman of the Council of Professors of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Director of the Institute of Europe RAS, founder and head of Center for British Studies. President of the Russian Association of European Studies (AES). Member of Bureau of RAS Department of Global Problems and International Relations. Member of the Russian International Affairs Council.

Research interests: European integration process and international relations, British studies, party-political systems, diplomacy, polycentricity, geopolitics, global governance, “soft” and “hard” security, new threats, the European Union, regional integration.

Alexey Gromyko is an author of over 50 academic papers. He is a laureate of the 2004 award of the Russian Science Support Foundation. He is also Honorary Professor of the Varna Free University (Bulgaria), Honorary Doctor of the Plovdiv University (Bulgaria), and Honorary Professor of Voronezh State University (Russia).

Roberta Alonzi

Ph.D. in History

Key academic staff

Associate Professor of Faculty of Social Sciences, Lobachevsky University.

Research interests: definition and evolution of the European system of alliances in the period marked by “diplomacy of imperialism”; analysis of the relationship between economy and international politics in the Southeast Asian chessboard; Italo-Soviet relations during Second World War; Political Identity of European Union.

Roberta Alonzi is the only Italian historian of international relations that is accredited in the Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Nina Ivashinenko

Dr.Sci. in Economics

Key academic staff

Head of Research Centre for Social Systems and Professor in Department of project agency and pro-competitive policy of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Lobachevsky University; Honorary Research Fellow, School of Social & Political Sciences, University of Glasgow (UK)

Research interests: transformation of social institutions, poverty and social insecurity, cultural and educational aspects of migration, modelling of socio-economic processes.

Nina Ivashinenko has broad experience in teaching Masters and PhD students in Russia and in EU countries as well. She also actively participates in international conferences, devoted to European affairs.

Emil Karakulyan

Ph.D. in Law

Key academic staff

Associate Professor of the Department of European and International Law, Faculty of Law, Lobachevsky University.

Research interests: European and international law, European integration, international legal studies, modern doctrines of international law, the idea of ​​the international community, global justice, politics and the doctrine of international law, topical issues of European integration.

Emil Karakulyan is a member of the Association of European Studies (regional branch of AEVIS), a member of the Russian Association of International Law.

Sergei Krivov

Ph.D. in Politics

Key academic staff

Associated Professor at the Вepartment of political theory and communications of Institute of International Relations and World History, Lobachevsky University.

Research interests: citizenship policy, multiple nationalities as a millstone of bilateral relationship within the New Europe, diversity management, international migration in Europe and in the Middle East, international relations.

Sergey Krivov has a solid academic knowledge of European issues and different aspects of international relations and integration, taking part in a number of scientific and educational activities, including participating in research and educational projects. He is an active researcher, having a number of publications on topics international relations in Europe and in the Middle East.

Roman Golubin

Ph.D. in History

Dean of the Faculty

Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Lobachevsky University. Head of the Scientific School on Social Safety.

Research interests: regional and national security, military aspect of the national security of the Russian state, World War I.

Roman Golubin was also a participant of Tourism Education, Research, and Industry Outreach Seminar in Eric Friedheim Tourism Institute, University of Florida and a participant of workshop Online and Distance Learning in College of Health and Human Performance, University of Florida. He holds a membership in public and scientific organizations: Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, Russian Academy of Military Sciences, Russian Council on International Affairs.

Irina Leonova

Ph.D. in Social Sciences

Programme coordinator

Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences for International Affairs, Lobachevsky University.

Research interests: sociology of management, university management, cross-cultural management, international relations, change management.

Irina Leonova has a vast experience in management of various international projects on the university and faculty levels in research and academic areas implemented by UNN in cooperation with international partners from all over the world. Also, she worked as HR manager in the international company “Enel” (Italy) coordinating the recruitment for Russian market and doing the integration management within “Enel Russia” company. From 2010 she was a Deputy Head of the Department of International Cooperation of the Transport Directorate of the Olympic Games, she was one of the key persons for cooperation with IOC experts on the organization of transport during the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014.

Mario de Martino

PhD in Comparative Politics

Expert in EU project management

Associate Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Lobachevsky University.

Research interests: European studies and education policy.

Mario De Martino has extensive experience both in the policy and programmatic dimensions of EU education policies. From 2010 until 2012, worked as a project officer at the Executive Agency for Education and Culture of the European Commission in Brussels (Belgium). In 2012, he worked as a project officer at the International Association of Higher Education Institutions (EURASHE), which is one of the consultative members of the Bologna Follow-Up Group.

Elizaveta Vasina

International Project manager

Programme administrator

International Project manager at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Lobachevsky University.

Elizaveta Vasina has a Master Degree in Social Policy majoring in the development and management of education, University of Birmingham, Great Britain. Her dissertation was devoted to enrolment​​ in​ ​universities ​​and ​​post-study ​​work arrangements ​​for ​​international​​ students. She has a decent experience in management of international projects and students and staff exchange programs as an international officer. She has participated in Erasmus+ training mobilities in University of Tartu (Estonia) and University of Cordoba (Spain).

Valeriia Viakhirieva

Executive assistant to the Dean

PR & Marketing coordinator

Executive assistant to the Dean for Marketing, PR and web-design, teaching fellow at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Lobachevsky University.

Valeriia Viakhireva has a Specialist degree in International Relations. Her dissertation was devoted to the European Security and Defence Policy. At the same time she has a vast experience in UX\UI and design of web-resources in education as a project coordinator. Also, she worked as a VTM assistant in Host Broadcast Services during FIFA World Cup Russia-2018. She has participated in Erasmus+ training mobilities in Radboud University (the Netherlands), University of Glasgow (Scotland) and in a bilateral cooperation project with University of Cologne (Germany).

Course contents

European Construction


History of the European Union


European Union politics and governance

The course is designed to study regional aspects of the functioning of political institutions, taking into account the peculiarities and principles of the functioning of the system of state power within the framework of integration associations, as well as to provide knowledge about the mechanisms of decision-making at the national and supranational levels. The course will present a variety of contexts in which the political structure of the European Union is viewed not only from an institutional point of view, but also as a real political process for the formulation and harmonization of political decisions, including domestic foreign policy issues. Students will study the functioning of the management system in the EU structure, as well as consider specific examples of its implementation.

The EU’s neighborhood policy

The course examines various aspects of the implementation of the neighborhood policy, which consists not only in economic and political relations between EU member States and their closest neighbors, but also in their cooperation in various fields, including relations in the humanitarian sphere. Students will investigate evolution of the external policy on the basic of various concepts and theories as well as by examining the contemporary cases of its implementation. The participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of current trends of neighborhood policy as a multidimensional process, which takes place in different areas of the world politics.

Socio-economic transformation in the post-Soviet space

The transformation process from a centrally planned to a market economy in post-Soviet space resulted in profound institutional change. This course explains the socio-economic transformation with economic sociology theories, institutional approach and the transition paradigm. It focuses on privatisation, liberalisation and commercialisation of social security system. The course highlights the impact of new market rules and social policies by investigating the socio-economic strategies which were used in different countries of the former USSR. The main aim of the course is helping students to understand the historical context within which the current political, cultural and socio-economic changes take place in post-Soviet space
News & Events
ЕС-27 и архитектура европейской безопасности

ЕС-27 и архитектура европейской безопасности

5 июля 2021 г. в онлайн-формате прошел международный научный семинар «ЕС-27 и архитектура европейской безопасности».
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ЕС-27 и архитектура европейской безопасности

5 июля 2021 г. в онлайн-формате прошел международный научный семинар «ЕС-27 и архитектура европейской безопасности», организованный Университетом Лобачевского, Институтом Европы РАН, Ассоциацией европейских исследований в сотрудничестве с Фондом им. Фридриха Эберта.

В работе семинара приняли участие российские исследователи-европеисты из Института Европы РАН, ИНИОН РАН, Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, Университета Лобачевского, Казанского (Приволжского) федерального университета, Балтийского федерального университета им. И.Канта, а также их австрийские и польские зарубежные коллеги, и студенты и аспиранты ННГУ.

Семинар был организован при поддержке проекта Европейского Союза Эрасмус+ Модуль Жана Монне «Модуль Жан Монне в европейских междисциплинарных исследованиях» (JEMMEIS) (проект № 621265-EPP-1-2020-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE)

Так, с приветственным словом к участникам семинара обратились директор Института Европы РАН, президент АЕВИС и академический директор проекта JEMMEIS Александр Громыко, руководитель филиала Фонда им. Фридриха Эберта в Москве Пеер Тешендорф и директор ИМОМИ Михаил Рыхтик. Модерировали мероприятие Александр Громыко и Михаил Рыхтик.

Основными направлениями дискуссии стали влияние брекзита на архитектуру европейской безопасности; стратегическая автономия ЕС: стагнация или развитие; перспективы контактов Россия–НАТО и снижение рисков безопасности в Европе.

Наряду с коллегами из РАН, Фонда Фридриха Эберта, Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Университета, Казанского федерального университета, Центра превосходства в области европейских исследований – VOICES+, Центра европейской политики (Бельгия), Института за мир и дипломатию (Канада) и Университета в Белостоке (Польша), в качестве спикера выступил заместитель директора ИМОМИ и лектор проекта JEMMEIS Сергей Кривов. Кроме того, в рабочей дискуссии приняли участие доцент РУДН и лектор проекта JEMMEIS Роберта Алонци и ведущий научный сотрудник Института научной информации по общественным наукам РАН Валерий Любин.

JEMMEIS was presented to UNN staff and students

JEMMEIS was presented to UNN staff and students

On 30th of October, 2020 the JEMMEIS project was introduced during the fourth lecture from the European Project Management cycle.
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JEMMEIS was presented to UNN staff and students

On 30th of October, 2020 the JEMMEIS project was introduced during the fourth lecture from the European Project Management cycle.

The lectures were delivered by EU Expert in European project management Mario De Martino. He has a vast experience in project management being a former Project Officer at European Association of Higher Education Institutions (EURASHE) and at the Jean Monnet unit of the Education Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

The first, second and third lectures were devoted to the theoretical information on the different stages of the project application preparation starting from the choice of the topic and type of the project to the final submission and implementation.

The final lecture demonstrated how the described techniques and approaches can be implemented in reality with the example of the JEMMEIS project.

Thus, the lecture consisted from two parts: the theoretical part was about Erasmus+ projects in general and the activities of the European Commission such as Erasmus+ KA1, Capacity Building projects and Jean Monnet projects, and about the requirements for each project and the possible amount of grants.

The second part was devoted to the Jean Monnet Module in Interdisciplinary (JEMMEIS) which is implemented by Lobachevsky University from September 2020. The speaker described the Module structure, the courses to be implemented. The lecture guests also got a chance to look closely at the Gannt chart with the detailed plan description – when each work package will be implemented.

The lectures were open to all staff and students of Lobachevsky University as well as to the colleagues of the speaker from other Russian universities.

A series of lectures on the topic European Idea in History took place

A series of lectures on the topic European Idea in History took place

Within the "European Construction" course by E.A. Karakulyan.
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A series of lectures on the topic European Idea in History took place

This part of the course examines the history of the European idea from the ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century.

The mythological foundations of the European idea represented Europe as universe and open to the world continent, it was deified. Then, in the middle ages, already at an early stage of the development of feudalism and Christianity, the name “Europe” had not only geographical significance, but also religious, civilizational. The Modern period was mainly associated with new ideas about the geographical location of Europe, as well as the possibility and necessity of European unity as a whole.

The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the introduction in 1915 of the "Central Europe" project based on the military-economic union of European countries under the auspices of Germany. The state after the First World War was characterized by the growth of nationalism and pacifism associated with the collapse of three monarchies (Prussia, Austria-Hungary and Russia), which resulted in the creation of new states based on the national idea and the multiplication of borders in central and eastern Europe. However, after the Second World War, dozens of pro-European movements appear, among which two concepts are clearly opposed to each other: federalists, who stand for the creation of a European federation, a supranational organization, with the formation of which European states relinquish part of their powers, and unionists, who speak out for simple cooperation between states.

JEMMEIS was presented during ErasmusDays

JEMMEIS was presented during ErasmusDays

On October 16, 2020, the Faculty of Social Sciences took part in the international event #ErasmusDays 2020 and together with foreign partners talked about international projects that are being implemented at the Faculty as part of the Erasmus+ program.
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JEMMEIS was presented during ErasmusDays

On October 16, 2020, the Faculty of Social Sciences took part in the international event #ErasmusDays 2020 and together with foreign partners talked about international projects that are being implemented at the Faculty as part of the Erasmus+ program.

Thus, Jean Monnet project European Interdisciplinary Studies (JEMMEIS) was presented there. This is the project aimed at the implementation of an interdisciplinary educational module on European studies, which received grant support from the European Commission. The educational module "Jean Monnet Module in European Interdisciplinary Studies" is planned to be introduced to existing educational programs from September 2020 to August 2023.

During the event, the participants had a chance to get acquainted with the program goals, structure and academic contact.

What are the #ErasmusDays?

Launched at the initiative of the French national agency Erasmus+ for the 30th anniversary of the program, #ErasmusDays consists of a series of events organized by various Erasmus+ participants. This international event is based on the idea of disseminating information to a wide range of stakeholders about Erasmus + programs, the experience of implementing Erasmus + projects, and the results of Erasmus + projects. Last year, 3,995 events were organized in 53 countries of the world. In 2020, about 4000 events are planned in 67 countries of the world.

A series of lectures on the topic Theoretical Issues of European Construction took place

A series of lectures on the topic Theoretical Issues of European Construction took place

Within the "European Construction" course by E.A. Karakulyan.
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A series of lectures on the topic Theoretical Issues of European Construction took place

The introduction part of the series of lectures was devoted to the subject-methodological foundations of the discipline. The main aim of this part of the course is to show the circumstances under which the European law and its institutions appear. Precisely, the main notion in this discussion is “the whole”. Therefore, the formation of a certain "whole" in interstate relations is associated with the construction of vertical structures, with the search for the optimal balance of cooperation (traditional cooperation) and integration itself (supranational governance).

Generally speaking, the course discusses the general and special methods of considering the integration process, interdisciplinary parameters of development as well as the differences in concepts of integration and intergovernmental cooperation and the organization classification. It also looks thoroughly at the three analysis levels of European integration which are process, system, identity. The final block is devoted to the periodization of the history of European construction staring from the stating from the call for the creation of the United States of Europe in 1946 until now.


Implementation of EU policies and European programs in the sphere of education: historical context

Since the 1980s, the European Union has taken a more in-depth approach to the consideration of education issues in the European space. Over the years, education has become an essential component of the European Union's political agenda in order to tackle domestic and global issues such as youth unemployment, social exclusion, discrimination, and migration. In this article, the authors highlight the main stages in the evolution of the European Union policy in the field of education and in terms of educational programs that have wide cross-border applications.
in progress

Constitutionalization process in EU law

The article examines the relationship between the processes of personalization of the EU (the EU as a legal and political entity) and the constitutionalization of the internal law of the EU. It is concluded that without taking into account the peculiarities of the course and interaction of these constitutive processes, it is difficult to fully assess the nature of both intrastate development and interstate development within the framework of regional integration systems. Translational, i.e. progressive, gradual and balanced development of all components of constitutional construction within the EU becomes a guarantee of internal and external stability in relation to identity and the effectiveness of the implementation of existing and declared interests and values.

EU and Eurasian integration projects: causes of controversy and prospects for cooperation

The article deals with the issues of relations between the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union. From the constructivism and rationalist approaches, the questions of the possibility of institutional cooperation of both associations are considered. Despite the geographical proximity, the EU and the EAEU have so far few points of interaction, and the current neighborhood policy is perceived more as a sphere of geopolitical confrontation based on the political interests of both sides.
Irina Leonova

Programme coordinator

Universitetsky Lane, 7, office 205

Application form
1. General information
As it appears on your passport or other official ID
Date of birth
Place of birth

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Provide copies of certificates and transcripts where appropriate.

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Have you ever studied in Russia on a student visa?
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5. Declaration

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